Employers Protection Scheme

Part of the range of employment law services offered by Mackinnons Solicitors, our Employer Protection Scheme is an easy and cost effective way to remove the burden of employment legislation from your business.

We offer a dedicated Employer Protection Scheme (EPS) to help employers deal with the problem of increasingly complex and costly employment legislation which often exposes them to more frequent employment disputes. 

Our EPS is comprised of 3 core components, designed to offer seamless financial and business continuity protection:- 

  • The Audit (Health Check) - a review of your current policies and practices to ensure that they are up to date with the latest legislation and achieve compliance within the law.
  • Expert Advice (Ongoing Support & Dialogue) – Direct access to unlimited advice from regulated and qualified employment law solicitors, delivering hands on practical solutions to problems and advising you how to avoid future claims arising.  This not only ensures that the matter is properly handled from the outset, but also that you are fully insured when you follow the advice given.  
  • Insurance Policy (Financial Security) – We are fully authorised to manage your claim by insurers.  The policy fits with our services seamlessly and pays the legal costs of an employment dispute, covers settlements and the cost of awards.  * Full details of the cover is available upon request. 

Through this service, we enable you to budget for and cap all your Employment costs, saving you time and money over the long term.

For a free quotation please contact Martin Sinclair.

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