Private Client News

Be careful what you wish for...

A Letter of Wishes is a written instruction of what an individual would like to happen on their death. This is supplementary to and usually read in conjunction with a person’s will. Read more

Resolutions for 2020 - "a win/win situation"

Most of us make resolutions which often don’t outlast the Christmas leftovers.   As we move into the next decade, here are a few “resolutions” designed to be easily followed and which could have a very significant and lasting impact, albeit involving minimal effort and cost. Read more

Legal Rights - Update


Under Scots law, a surviving spouse, civil partner and children are entitled to certain legal rights when an individual dies with (testate) or without (intestate) a will. Read more

Retirement Dreams

Thirty years old, buying a home, bringing up a family and forging ahead with a career? Retirement seems like a million years away especially when there are so many other demands financially on resources. Read more

Intestacy - An expensive lesson

It may have surprised many to see that pop superstar Prince died last year without a Will. Read more

Need help negotiating “legalese” surrounding Powers of Attorney or Guardianship Orders?

Sadly many enquiries are made on behalf of ageing relatives for whom the granting of power of attorney is no longer an option. In order to grant a Power of Attorney a person has to understand the legal effect of the document. Read more

Wills Advice for New Parents

A Will review is a vital consideration when a person first becomes a parent. Whether married or unmarried, most individuals’ Wills do not take account of future children, unless they already have at least one child. Read more

How can we help you?

In Mackinnons Private Client Department we work with many of our clients over a lifetime. Many have instructed us through generations and our standing throughout the North East of Scotland is, we believe, second to none. Read more

Negotiating 'Legalese'

Need help negotiating "legalese" surrounding Powers of Attorney or Guardianship Orders?

Sadly many of the enquiries we receive are on behalf of ageing relatives for whom the granting of a Power of Attorney is no longer an option. Read more
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