Property News

Fire and Smoke Alarms – The Law in Scotland

The law setting out tolerable standards for homes in Scotland is changing. From 1st February 2022 each home in Scotland, whether privately owned or rented, must be fitted with interlinked fire alarms. The changes are as a result of the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017. Read more

Property Round-up of 2021

2021 started with a lock down. Thankfully, not an enforced shut down of the property market as we experienced in 2019. Nevertheless, we were facing yet more uncertainty at the beginning of the year as to how our local housing market would perform. Read more

New Appointments to Mackinnons Property Team

The autumn months have seen a busy “transfer” window at Mackinnons property with five new faces coming on board – reflecting on how busy 2021 has been and how we plan to further develop and deliver well-managed property legal and estate agency services looking forward. Pamela Bursill. Read more

Cautious optimism returning to the market?

The Aberdeen Solicitors' Property Centre has published the latest statistics for the third quarter of 2021 relating to the Aberdeen Housing Market. Read more

Enhanced Level 4 Restrictions - COVID 19 Update

With immediate effect the whole of Mainland Scotland is now subject to enhanced Level 4 restrictions.   With very few exceptions, these restrictions impose a legal requirement upon people leaving home other than for “essential purposes”. Read more

Scottish Guidance on House Moves…and other positive news

Following upon the First Ministers announcement of Tuesday 22nd September 2020 regarding restrictions being further tightened as a result of a recent surge in Covid 19 cases, clarification on “house moves” has now been issued by the Scottish Government. Read more

What can we expect to happen next?

Whilst we are delighted to report that our Cults and Aboyne branch office staff are now able to carry out viewings and market appraisals in person, and whilst viewing enquiries have already surpassed this time last year, this is not a return to “normality” by any means. Read more

Mackinnons welcome the re-opening of the housing market

As lockdown restrictions finally are eased, we are delighted to see the re-opening of the Scottish housing market. Our property branch offices in Cults and Aboyne will re-open on 1st July 2020 and all the indications are that we should expect a busy summer and autumn. Read more

“What Next for the Scottish Housing Market?”

We now have a published Scottish Route Map the way ahead and, hopefully, out of the Coronavirus Pandemic for many, in the week to come, this will finally provide a welcome removal of some of the practical restraints of moving house but – for a multitude of reasons – this… Read more

Some Assistance for House Sellers/Buyers on the Horizon?

This week (week commencing 18th May) it is hoped that emergency legislation may be passed by the Scottish Government to assist house sellers who have been affected by Covid-19.   The Corona Virus (No. Read more
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